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Generals Statistics

Online since: Jul 8th 2003, 8:28am Members: 8,253 Members since Start: 24,619 Banned Users: 187
Threads: 13,711 Threads since Start: 17,135 Closed Threads: 214 Threadhits: 43,163,403
Posts: 112,043 Posts since Start: 124,185 Private messages: 7,029 Private messages since Start: 58,442
Smilies: 95 Polls: 24 Benutzeravatare: 799 Groups: 13
Styles: 5 Attachments: 53 / 5.52 MB Banned Signatures: 1 User record: 2896

Day Statistics

Today Threads: 0 Posts: 0 Registrations: 0
Yesterday Threads: 0 Posts: 0 Registrations: 0
Bevor yesterday Threads: 0 Posts: 0 Registrations: 0

Averange Statistics

Threads per day: 1.74 Posts per day: 14.19 Logins per Day: 1.05 Private messages per day: 0.89
Threads per member: 1.66 Posts per member: 13.58 Hits per User: 5,230.03 Private messages per User: 0.85
Posts per topic: 8.17 Hits per topic: 3,148.09 Threads per board: 221.15 Posts per board: 1,807.15

Board with the most Threads

Board with the most number of posts

Threads with the most number of replies

Threads with the most number of hits

Threads with the best rating

Members with the most posts

Placement Members Posts Graphic
1 Zehracan 8,190
2 Abdulkadir Said 6,381
3 ruhefza 5,068
4 @bdullah 4,427
5 nurciv 4,118
6 zamane_gençlik 3,036
7 Ceka 2,783
8 ayna 2,496
9 Hasan_Sinan 2,136
10 Webmaster 2,030

Members with the most startet threads

Placement Members Threads Graphic
1 @bdullah 774
2 Zehracan 635
3 insirah 567
4 Abdulkadir Said 537
5 Bîçare S.V. 505
6 zamane_gençlik 310
7 m_safiturk 308
8 şahin TOKMAK 291
9 kimyagerus 288
10 Webmaster 282