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Kitap, kaset, CD ve VCD tavsiyeleri

Okuyup beğendiğiniz kitapları, dinlediğiniz CD ve kasetleri, seyrettiğiniz VCD filimlerini buradan ziyaretçilerimize tavsiye edebilirsiniz.

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Announcements & important threads

By Webmaster (Aug 23rd 2010, 1:18pm)

32 409,794

By Webmaster

(Aug 8th 2011, 4:03am)

By Webmaster (Feb 4th 2007, 10:05pm)

10 10,055

By nurelif

(Aug 21st 2010, 1:00am)

By Hüseyin Yildirim (Jun 22nd 2004, 2:45am)

10 9,885

By Zehracan

(Jun 12th 2010, 4:39pm)

By Webmaster (Jun 8th 2007, 6:13pm)

2 6,307

By ruhefza

(Oct 21st 2007, 2:07pm)


By hasmuti (Nov 15th 2012, 8:16pm)

0 20,128

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By hasmuti (Nov 15th 2012, 8:10pm)

0 2,672

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By furkan1907 (Nov 18th 2011, 10:45pm)

0 7,682

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By nurciv (Aug 17th 2007, 7:04pm)

7 7,606

By mici

(Apr 24th 2011, 12:33pm)

By saidoğlu (Feb 24th 2011, 2:21pm)

1 3,649

By Hasan_Sinan

(Feb 24th 2011, 11:25pm)

By Hasan_Sinan (Feb 21st 2011, 11:07pm)

1 3,805

By Hasan_Sinan

(Feb 21st 2011, 11:08pm)

By neyyir (Jan 15th 2011, 9:31pm)

0 2,611

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By @bdullah (Dec 19th 2010, 3:02am)

3 17,096

By neyyireyn

(Dec 20th 2010, 5:57pm)

By @bdullah (Dec 5th 2010, 8:06am)

0 2,745

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By Hasan_Sinan (Mar 20th 2010, 1:49am)

1 4,539

By @bdullah

(Dec 3rd 2010, 6:07pm)

By Hasan_Sinan (Jun 11th 2010, 3:42am)

5 4,885

By Hasan_Sinan

(Nov 11th 2010, 9:05pm)

By saidoğlu (Jun 16th 2008, 11:42am)

7 8,328

By Hasan_Sinan

(Nov 1st 2010, 12:15pm)

By mübeşşir (Sep 7th 2010, 1:34pm)

1 3,988

By nurelif

(Sep 9th 2010, 1:23pm)

By yrd_doç (Jun 25th 2008, 1:37pm)

4 6,119

By cesem35

(Aug 27th 2010, 8:22am)

By Hasan_Sinan (Mar 20th 2010, 1:51am)

0 2,721

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By Hasan_Sinan (Mar 20th 2010, 1:46am)

0 2,595

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By @bdullah (Jan 20th 2010, 6:29am)

0 2,664

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By ayna (Aug 24th 2008, 1:19am)

8 7,718

By @bdullah

(Jan 3rd 2010, 12:21pm)



177 threads - 672 posts (0.09 posts per day)
