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Announcements & important threads

By Webmaster (Aug 23rd 2010, 1:18pm)

32 399,257

By Webmaster

(Aug 8th 2011, 4:03am)

By @bdullah (Jul 25th 2009, 7:57am)

2 25,042

By Muhammed_Enes

(Aug 6th 2009, 2:51pm)


By duygu (Sep 6th 2007, 10:46am)

1 1,439

By recep1

(Oct 16th 2007, 8:09am)

By duygu (Sep 11th 2007, 1:11pm)

1 1,682

By recep1

(Oct 16th 2007, 8:07am)

By dide_nur (Sep 5th 2007, 8:38pm)

6 4,080

By recep1

(Oct 16th 2007, 8:06am)

By ELVAN (Aug 31st 2007, 10:18pm)

6 3,648

By recep1

(Oct 16th 2007, 8:05am)

By zelal (Aug 19th 2007, 6:43pm)

7 4,421

By recep1

(Oct 16th 2007, 8:03am)

By nurciv (Sep 16th 2007, 1:17pm)

17 5,221

By recep1

(Oct 16th 2007, 7:59am)

By duygu (Sep 5th 2007, 2:57pm)

6 3,705

By recep1

(Oct 16th 2007, 7:56am)

By psikonur (Mar 12th 2007, 2:34pm)

16 5,280

By recep1

(Oct 16th 2007, 7:49am)

By Abdulkadir Said (Jul 7th 2005, 11:27pm)

23 6,591

By Abdulkadir Said

(Sep 12th 2007, 6:34pm)

By duygu (Aug 28th 2007, 12:51pm)

2 2,942

By duygu

(Aug 31st 2007, 9:36am)

By duygu (Aug 28th 2007, 1:09pm)

0 2,279

No reply

By cutenur (Jun 12th 2007, 10:04am)

52 15,534

By nurciv

(Aug 8th 2007, 11:49pm)

By yguder (Nov 3rd 2006, 12:57pm)

8 12,581

By giryebar.

(Jul 27th 2007, 3:04pm)

By Tılsım (Mar 15th 2007, 9:45am)

46 13,302

By Tılsım

(Jul 24th 2007, 4:30pm)

By Nural (Jul 19th 2007, 5:30pm)

1 2,650

By nurciv

(Jul 19th 2007, 5:35pm)

By nurdan damla (Jul 16th 2007, 7:25pm)

0 8,910

No reply

By ogretmen67 (Jul 14th 2007, 3:54pm)

4 3,433

By Nural

(Jul 16th 2007, 11:51am)

By gulşewin (Jun 27th 2007, 5:04pm)

6 4,784

By ayna

(Jul 13th 2007, 8:36pm)

By nurciv (Jul 9th 2007, 6:19pm)

3 2,214

By ayna

(Jul 9th 2007, 10:22pm)

By hnurdan (Jul 6th 2007, 3:00pm)

8 4,561

By hnurdan

(Jul 9th 2007, 6:47pm)



503 threads - 5,158 posts (0.67 posts per day)
